Talks & Thoughts
My Summer Bucket List | Tag
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
1. Thank the person who tagged you
2. Nominate 5 blogs -big or small- to do the tag
3. Write a list of things you want to do/achieve this summer
4. Your summer bucket list can be as long or as short as you wish.
5. Try and complete your bucket list.
Thank you OLIVE NEEDS POPEYE for including me in your Summer Bucket List Tag (Click on her name and it'll lead you to her post) I swear the pictures on her post are soo relaxing, I also loved the pictures on the original tag post as well on Shut Up Ophelia. Well anyways enough of my rambles, let's get on with the list!
My Mini Bucket List:
1. Go to the beach! (even though with my current hair status a beach day might not be possible ;.;)
2. Paint a huge water color painting
3. Plan a Self portrait Photo shoot (been wanting to do a serious one for a while)
4. Get a film camera and try film photography
5. Have lots of family fun in Miami next month
6. Paint a series of small watercolor painting that would look nice on gift cards
7. Redesign my business cards and get them printed
8. This one is really for the rest of the year and next year but, To shoot a series of photographs that can be framed and bought not just by the subjects but by other people so the art of it (did that make sense? I hop it did)
This is bad but I'm a very anti-social blogger.. I feel as if I tag someone they'll not take my tag x.x but! If you're reading this then I tag you to do this! Send me a link so I can read your Summer Bucket List! (where ever you decide to post it!
So what did you think about this post? Leave your thoughts below