So this other day I found two books of mine, one was my old story book and the other was my 'business book.' In my story book I kept...

Alright there's is so much I can say about these two albums but what I'm gonna say is that I've been listening to these since it...

|These pictures were taken from the OMG Magazine facebook cover pictures, see HERE | Now as the owner of this blog I can say w...

It's summer! If you are reading this post then, you have been tagged in the Summer Bucket List Tag!

Hey guys I'm back! and I came back with great news. In August, for the first time in my life I will be leaving beautiful Trinidad an...

So the short/summer semester has started at my college and shockingly enough I could have only done one class (two night classes a week)...

So it's been I think two weeks since my last music of the week update and to be fair I did mention that I won't do it every week ...

This is a new segment of my blog that I want to start. It might not be every week but I'm definitely posting my favourite music.

Why is it that my mind feels the need to remind me that my body isn't good enough? Now please don't go in the comments and write...

So recently I've found myself listening to alot of music while I'm doing assignments, projects so generally on my free time. I'v...

Drip painting done my me. I usually like my titles short and sweet but not this time. Okay so I haven't posted anything two months a...

Hey guys, Angel of Beauty here with a different than my usual posts today. Yes, I know I normally post about make-up and beauty, but this ...

February is over! Can you believe it? It feels like just yesday I wrote a January review and now I writing about March? What?! Lol well ...

Beauty can't get more natural than the Beauty of Nature ! Have you ever stopped for a few minutes and take in a bit of the bea...

Looking to get some pretty curls; easy& with absolutely no heat or harsh chemicals? If so, then you would want to keep reading t...

  Now I'm not really a makeup girl.. I mean, I shiver at the thought of wearing a full face of makeup under our Caribbean sun b...

Isn't this funny? I mean think about it. People are always trying to support you or claim to have your back but as soon as you st...

Well it's not really my first youtube video but it should have been! It's my new Introduction video where i tell you guys a little m...

Pictures were taken a couple weeks back except this last one.. In My Mind I see a future where my family isn't struggling.....

Hello my Angels! ^_^ Angel Of Beauty here with another super simple, yet gorge idea for your own DIY beauty. This little project is real...

I've finally posted a speed painting! It's amazing haha with the rate i was going i thought this day would have never happened! A...

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